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Drew (healthcare guy) and Chella (games journalist) every other Thursday for in-depth discussions on games and films, trailers, technology and geek stuff.

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Aug 18, 2016

This week, the ATTeam have been captured by mysterious men, torn apart by angry dogs, electrocuted by sentry robots, chased by rampant pigs and drowned by malevolent water children. They also both played Inside, which seemed like a more relevant topic for a podcast episode.


Have caution - the second half of this...

Aug 2, 2016

Regular reality's just not real enough, so this week Argue The Toss returns to the virtual, this time with a special guest! Dr. Wendy Powell, senior member of the IEEE and senior lecturer in applications of VR at the University of Portsmouth, is here to sherpa the team through realities both virtual and augmented.
